Vocabulary : Breviped to Brewed

Breviped : Having short legs. ;; A breviped bird.
Brevipen : A brevipennate bird.
Brevipennate : Short-winged; -- applied to birds which can not fly, owing to their short wings, as the ostrich, cassowary, and emu.
Brevirostral : Alt. of Brevirostrate
Brevirostrate : Short-billed; having a short beak.
Brevities : of Brevity
Brevity : Shortness of duration; briefness of time; as, the brevity of human life. ;; Contraction into few words; conciseness.
Brew : To boil or seethe; to cook. ;; To prepare, as beer or other liquor, from malt and hops, or from other materials, by steeping, boiling, and fermentation. ;; To prepare by steeping and mingling; to concoct. ;; To foment or prepare, as by brewing; to contrive; to plot; to concoct; to hatch; as, to brew mischief. ;; To attend to the business, or go through the processes, of brewing or making beer. ;; To be in a state of preparation; to be mixing, forming, or gathering; as, a storm brews in the west. ;; The mixture formed by brewing; that which is brewed.
Brewage : Malt liquor; drink brewed.
Brewed : of Brew
Next : Brewer, Brewery, Brewhouse, Brewing, Brewis, Brewsterite, Brezilin, Briar, Briarean, Bribable
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