Vocabulary : Bridechamber to Bridewell

Bridechamber : The nuptial apartment.
Bridegroom : A man newly married, or just about to be married.
Brideknot : A knot of ribbons worn by a guest at a wedding; a wedding favor.
Bridemaid : Alt. of Brideman
Brideman : See Bridesmaid, Bridesman.
Bridesmaid : A female friend who attends on a bride at her wedding.
Bridesman : A male friend who attends upon a bridegroom and bride at their marriage; the "best man."
Bridesmen : of Bridesman
Bridestake : A stake or post set in the ground, for guests at a wedding to dance round.
Bridewell : A house of correction for the confinement of disorderly persons; -- so called from a hospital built in 1553 near St. Bride's (or Bridget's) well, in London, which was subsequently a penal workhouse.
Next : Bridge, Bridgeboard, Bridged, Bridgehead, Bridgeing, Bridgeless, Bridgepot, Bridgetree, Bridge-ward, Bridgey
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