Vocabulary : Bromism to Bromuret

Bromism : A diseased condition produced by the excessive use of bromine or one of its compounds. It is characterized by mental dullness and muscular weakness.
Bromize : To prepare or treat with bromine; as, to bromize a silvered plate.
Bromlife : A carbonate of baryta and lime, intermediate between witherite and strontianite; -- called also alstonite.
Bromoform : A colorless liquid, CHBr3, having an agreeable odor and sweetish taste. It is produced by the simultaneous action of bromine and caustic potash upon wood spirit, alcohol, or acetone, as also by certain other reactions. In composition it is the same as chloroform, with the substitution of bromine for chlorine. It is somewhat similar to chloroform in its effects.
Bromogelatin : Designating or pertaining to, a process of preparing dry plates with an emulsion of bromides and silver nitrate in gelatin.
Bromoiodism : Poisoning induced by large doses of bromine and iodine or of their compounds.
Bromoiodized : Treated with bromides and iodides.
Bromol : A crystalline substance (chemically, tribromophenol, C6H2Br3OH), used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
Brompicrin : A pungent colorless explosive liquid, CNO2Br3, analogous to and resembling chlorpicrin.
Bromuret : See Bromide.
Next : Bromyrite, Bronchi, Bronchia, Bronchial, Bronchic, Bronchiole, Bronchitic, Bronchitis, Broncho, Bronchocele
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