Vocabulary : Bucolic to Buddhistic

Bucolic : Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral; rustic. ;; A pastoral poem, representing rural affairs, and the life, manners, and occupation of shepherds; as, the Bucolics of Theocritus and Virgil.
Bucolical : Bucolic.
Bucrania : of Bucranium
Bucranium : A sculptured ornament, representing an ox skull adorned with wreaths, etc.
Bud : A small protuberance on the stem or branches of a plant, containing the rudiments of future leaves, flowers, or stems; an undeveloped branch or flower. ;; A small protuberance on certain low forms of animals and vegetables which develops into a new organism, either free or attached. See Hydra. ;; To put forth or produce buds, as a plant; to grow, as a bud does, into a flower or shoot. ;; To begin to grow, or to issue from a stock in the manner of a bud, as a horn. ;; To be like a bud in respect to youth and freshness, or growth and promise; as, a budding virgin. ;; To graft, as a plant with another or into another, by inserting a bud from the one into an opening in the bark of the other, in order to raise, upon the budded stock, fruit different from that which it would naturally bear.
Budded : of Bud
Buddha : The title of an incarnation of self-abnegation, virtue, and wisdom, or a deified religious teacher of the Buddhists, esp. Gautama Siddartha or Sakya Sinha (or Muni), the founder of Buddhism.
Buddhism : The religion based upon the doctrine originally taught by the Hindoo sage Gautama Siddartha, surnamed Buddha, "the awakened or enlightened," in the sixth century b. c., and adopted as a religion by the greater part of the inhabitants of Central and Eastern Asia and the Indian Islands. Buddha's teaching is believed to have been atheistic; yet it was characterized by elevated humanity and morality. It presents release from existence (a beatific enfranchisement, Nirvana) as the greatest good. Buddhists believe in transmigration of souls through all phases and forms of life. Their number was estimated in 1881 at 470,000,000.
Buddhist : One who accepts the teachings of Buddhism. ;; Of or pertaining to Buddha, Buddhism, or the Buddhists.
Buddhistic : Same as Buddhist, a.
Next : Budding, Buddle, Bude burner, Bude light, Budge, Budged, Budgeness, Budger, budgerow, Budget
Previous : Buckling, Buckra, Buckram, Buck's-horn, Buckshot, Buckskin, Buckstall, Buckthorn, Bucktooth, Buckwheat
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