Vocabulary : Bummalo to Bumpkin

Bummalo : A small marine Asiatic fish (Saurus ophidon) used in India as a relish; -- called also Bombay duck.
Bummed : of Bum
Bummer : An idle, worthless fellow, who is without any visible means of support; a dissipated sponger.
Bummery : See Bottomery.
Bumming : of Bum
Bump : To strike, as with or against anything large or solid; to thump; as, to bump the head against a wall. ;; To come in violent contact with something; to thump. ;; A thump; a heavy blow. ;; A swelling or prominence, resulting from a bump or blow; a protuberance. ;; One of the protuberances on the cranium which are associated with distinct faculties or affections of the mind; as, the bump of "veneration;" the bump of "acquisitiveness." ;; The act of striking the stern of the boat in advance with the prow of the boat following. ;; To make a loud, heavy, or hollow noise, as the bittern; to boom. ;; The noise made by the bittern.
Bumped : of Bump
Bumper : A cup or glass filled to the brim, or till the liquor runs over, particularly in drinking a health or toast. ;; A covered house at a theater, etc., in honor of some favorite performer. ;; That which bumps or causes a bump. ;; Anything which resists or deadens a bump or shock; a buffer.
Bumping : of Bump
Bumpkin : An awkward, heavy country fellow; a clown; a country lout.
Next : Bumptious, Bumptiousness, Bun, Bunch, Bunch grass, Bunch-backed, Bunchberry, Bunched, Bunchiness, Bunching
Previous : Bumbard, Bumbarge, Bumbast, Bumbelo, Bumbeloes, Bumble, Bumblebee, Bumblepuppy, Bumboat, Bumkin
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