Vocabulary : Bunkum to Bunt

Bunkum : Speech-making for the gratification of constituents, or to gain public applause; flattering talk for a selfish purpose; anything said for mere show. ;; See Buncombe.
Bunn : A slightly sweetened raised cake or bisquit with a glazing of sugar and milk on the top crust. ;; See Bun.
Bunnian : See Bunyon.
Bunny : A great collection of ore without any vein coming into it or going out from it. ;; A pet name for a rabbit or a squirrel.
Bunodonta : Alt. of Bunodonts
Bunodonts : A division of the herbivorous mammals including the hogs and hippopotami; -- so called because the teeth are tuberculated.
Bunsen cell : A zinc-carbon cell in which the zinc (amalgamated) is surrounded by dilute sulphuric acid, and the carbon by nitric acid or a chromic acid mixture, the two plates being separated by a porous cup.
Bunsen's battery : Alt. of Bunsen's burner
Bunsen's burner : See under Battery, and Burner.
Bunt : A fungus (Ustilago foetida) which affects the ear of cereals, filling the grains with a fetid dust; -- also called pepperbrand. ;; The middle part, cavity, or belly of a sail; the part of a furled sail which is at the center of the yard. ;; To swell out; as, the sail bunts. ;; To strike or push with the horns or head; to butt; as, the ram bunted the boy. ;; A push or shove; a butt; ;; the act of bunting the ball. ;; To bat or tap (the ball) slowly within the infield by meeting it with the bat without swinging at it.
Next : Bunter, Buntine, Bunting, Buntline, Bunyon, Buolt, Buoy, Buoyage, Buoyance, Buoyancies
Previous : Bunglingly, Bungo, Bunion, Bunk, Bunked, Bunker, Bunking, Bunko, Bunkoed, Bunkoing
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