Vocabulary : Bursch to Burster

Bursch : A youth; especially, a student in a german university.
Burschen : of Bursch
Burschenschaft : In Germany, any of various associations of university students formed (the original one at Jena in 1815) to support liberal ideas, or the organization formed by the affiliation of the local bodies. The organization was suppressed by the government in 1819, but was secretly revived, and is now openly maintained as a social organization, the restrictive laws having been repealed prior to 1849.
Burse : A purse; also, a vesicle; a pod; a hull. ;; A fund or foundation for the maintenance of needy scholars in their studies; also, the sum given to the beneficiaries. ;; An ornamental case of hold the corporal when not in use. ;; An exchange, for merchants and bankers, in the cities of continental Europe. Same as Bourse. ;; A kind of bazaar.
Bursiculate : Bursiform.
Bursiform : Shaped like a purse.
Bursitis : Inflammation of a bursa.
Burst : of Burst ;; To fly apart or in pieces; of break open; to yield to force or pressure, especially to a sudden and violent exertion of force, or to pressure from within; to explode; as, the boiler had burst; the buds will burst in spring. ;; To exert force or pressure by which something is made suddenly to give way; to break through obstacles or limitations; hence, to appear suddenly and unexpectedly or unaccountably, or to depart in such manner; -- usually with some qualifying adverb or preposition, as forth, out, away, into, upon, through, etc. ;; To break or rend by violence, as by an overcharge or by strain or pressure, esp. from within; to force open suddenly; as, to burst a cannon; to burst a blood vessel; to burst open the doors. ;; To break. ;; To produce as an effect of bursting; as, to burst a hole through the wall. ;; A sudden breaking forth; a violent rending; an explosion; as, a burst of thunder; a burst of applause; a burst of passion; a burst of inspiration. ;; Any brief, violent exertion or effor
Bursten : of Breste ;; p. p. of Burst, v. i.
Burster : One that bursts.
Next : Bursting, Burstwort, Burt, Burthen, Burton, Bury, Burying, Burying ground, Burying place, Bus
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