Vocabulary : Choiceful to Chokebored

Choiceful : Making choices; fickle.
Choicely : With care in choosing; with nice regard to preference. ;; In a preferable or excellent manner; excellently; eminently.
Choiceness : The quality of being of particular value or worth; nicely; excellence.
Choir : A band or organized company of singers, especially in church service. ;; That part of a church appropriated to the singers. ;; The chancel.
Choke : To render unable to breathe by filling, pressing upon, or squeezing the windpipe; to stifle; to suffocate; to strangle. ;; To obstruct by filling up or clogging any passage; to block up. ;; To hinder or check, as growth, expansion, progress, etc.; to stifle. ;; To affect with a sense of strangulation by passion or strong feeling. ;; To make a choke, as in a cartridge, or in the bore of the barrel of a shotgun. ;; To have the windpipe stopped; to have a spasm of the throat, caused by stoppage or irritation of the windpipe; to be strangled. ;; To be checked, as if by choking; to stick. ;; A stoppage or irritation of the windpipe, producing the feeling of strangulation. ;; The tied end of a cartridge. ;; A constriction in the bore of a shotgun, case of a rocket, etc.
Choke damp : See Carbonic acid, under Carbonic.
Choke pear : A kind of pear that has a rough, astringent taste, and is swallowed with difficulty, or which contracts the mucous membrane of the mouth. ;; A sarcasm by which one is put to silence; anything that can not be answered.
Chokeberry : The small apple-shaped or pear-shaped fruit of an American shrub (Pyrus arbutifolia) growing in damp thickets; also, the shrub.
Chokebore : In a shotgun, a bore which is tapered to a slightly smaller diameter at a short distance (usually 2/ to 3 inches) to the rear of the muzzle, in order to prevent the rapid dispersion of the shot. ;; A shotgun that is made with such a bore. ;; To provide with a chokebore.
Chokebored : of Chokebore
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