Vocabulary : Chokeboring to Choky

Chokeboring : of Chokebore
Chokecherry : The astringent fruit of a species of wild cherry (Prunus Virginiana); also, the bush or tree which bears such fruit.
Choked : of Choke
Chokedar : A watchman; an officer of customs or police.
Choke-full : Full to the brim; quite full; chock-full.
Choker : One who, or that which, chokes. ;; A stiff wide cravat; a stock.
Choke-strap : A strap leading from the bellyband to the lower part of the collar, to keep the collar in place.
Choking : of Choke ;; That chokes; producing the feeling of strangulation. ;; Indistinct in utterance, as the voice of a person affected with strong emotion.
Choking coil : A coil of small resistance and large inductance, used in an alternating-current circuit to impede or throttle the current, or to change its phase; -- called also reactance coil or reactor, these terms being now preferred in engineering usage.
Choky : A station, as for collection of customs, for palanquin bearers, police, etc. ;; Specif., a prison or lockup; a jail.
Next : Choky Chokey, Cholaemaa, Cholagogue, Cholate, Cholecystis, Cholecystotomy, Choledology, Choleic, Choler, Cholera
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