Vocabulary : Close-barred to Closen

Close-barred : Firmly barred or closed.
Close-bodied : Fitting the body exactly; setting close, as a garment.
Closed : of Close
Close-fights : Barriers with loopholes, formerly erected on the deck of a vessel to shelter the men in a close engagement with an enemy's boarders; -- called also close quarters.
Closefisted : Covetous; niggardly.
Closehanded : Covetous; penurious; stingy; closefisted.
Closehauled : Under way and moving as nearly as possible toward the direction from which the wind blows; -- said of a sailing vessel.
Closely : In a close manner. ;; Secretly; privately.
Closemouthed : Cautious in speaking; secret; wary; uncommunicative.
Closen : To make close.
Next : Closeness, Closer, Closereefed, Close-stool, Closet, Closeting, Close-tongued, Closh, Closing, Closure
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