Vocabulary : Closeness to Closure

Closeness : The state of being close.
Closer : One who, or that which, closes; specifically, a boot closer. See under Boot. ;; A finisher; that which finishes or terminates. ;; The last stone in a horizontal course, if of a less size than the others, or a piece of brick finishing a course.
Closereefed : Having all the reefs taken in; -- said of a sail.
Close-stool : A utensil to hold a chamber vessel, for the use of the sick and infirm. It is usually in the form of a box, with a seat and tight cover.
Closet : A small room or apartment for retirement; a room for privacy. ;; A small apartment, or recess in the side of a room, for household utensils, clothing, etc. ;; To shut up in, or as in, a closet; to conceal. ;; To make into a closet for a secret interview.
Closeting : of Closet
Close-tongued : Closemouthed; silent.
Closh : A disease in the feet of cattle; laminitis. ;; The game of ninepins.
Closing : of Close
Closure : The act of shutting; a closing; as, the closure of a chink. ;; That which closes or shuts; that by which separate parts are fastened or closed. ;; That which incloses or confines; an inclosure. ;; A conclusion; an end. ;; A method of putting an end to debate and securing an immediate vote upon a measure before a legislative body. It is similar in effect to the previous question. It was first introduced into the British House of Commons in 1882. The French word cloture was originally applied to this proceeding.
Next : Clot, Clotbur, Clote, Cloth, Clothe, Clothed, Clothes, Clotheshorse, Clothesline, Clothespin
Previous : Close-barred, Close-bodied, Closed, Close-fights, Closefisted, Closehanded, Closehauled, Closely, Closemouthed, Closen
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