Vocabulary : Curator to Curch

Curator : One who has the care and superintendence of anything, as of a museum; a custodian; a keeper. ;; One appointed to act as guardian of the estate of a person not legally competent to manage it, or of an absentee; a trustee; a guardian.
Curatorship : The office of a curator.
Curatrix : A woman who cures. ;; A woman who is a guardian or custodian.
Curb : To bend or curve ;; To guide and manage, or restrain, as with a curb; to bend to one's will; to subject; to subdue; to restrain; to confine; to keep in check. ;; To furnish wich a curb, as a well; also, to restrain by a curb, as a bank of earth. ;; To bend; to crouch; to cringe. ;; That which curbs, restrains, or subdues; a check or hindrance; esp., a chain or strap attached to the upper part of the branches of a bit, and capable of being drawn tightly against the lower jaw of the horse. ;; An assemblage of three or more pieces of timber, or a metal member, forming a frame around an opening, and serving to maintain the integrity of that opening; also, a ring of stone serving a similar purpose, as at the eye of a dome. ;; A frame or wall round the mouth of a well; also, a frame within a well to prevent the earth caving in. ;; A curbstone. ;; A swelling on the back part of the hind leg of a horse, just behind the lowest part of the hock joint, generally causing lameness.
Curb roof : A roof having a double slope, or composed, on each side, of two parts which have unequal inclination; a gambrel roof.
Curbed : of Curb
Curbing : of Curb
Curbless : Having no curb or restraint.
Curbstone : A stone /et along a margin as a and protection, as along the edge of a sidewalk next the roadway; an edge stone.
Curch : See Courche.
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