Vocabulary : Earthstar to Earwigged

Earthstar : A curious fungus of the genus Geaster, in which the outer coating splits into the shape of a star, and the inner one forms a ball containing the dustlike spores.
Earth-tongue : A fungus of the genus Geoglossum.
Earthward : Alt. of Earthwards
Earthwards : Toward the earth; -- opposed to heavenward or skyward.
Earthwork : Any construction, whether a temporary breastwork or permanent fortification, for attack or defense, the material of which is chiefly earth. ;; The operation connected with excavations and embankments of earth in preparing foundations of buildings, in constructing canals, railroads, etc. ;; An embankment or construction made of earth.
Earthworm : Any worm of the genus Lumbricus and allied genera, found in damp soil. One of the largest and most abundant species in Europe and America is L. terrestris; many others are known; -- called also angleworm and dewworm. ;; A mean, sordid person; a niggard.
Earthy : Consisting of, or resembling, earth; terrene; earthlike; as, earthy matter. ;; Of or pertaining to the earth or to, this world; earthly; terrestrial; carnal. ;; Gross; low; unrefined. ;; Without luster, or dull and roughish to the touch; as, an earthy fracture.
Earwax : See Cerumen.
Earwig : Any insect of the genus Forticula and related genera, belonging to the order Euplexoptera. ;; In America, any small chilopodous myriapod, esp. of the genus Geophilus. ;; A whisperer of insinuations; a secret counselor. ;; To influence, or attempt to influence, by whispered insinuations or private talk.
Earwigged : of Earwig
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