Vocabulary : Earwigging to Easiness

Earwigging : of Earwig
Earwitness : A witness by means of his ears; one who is within hearing and does hear; a hearer.
Ease : Satisfaction; pleasure; hence, accommodation; entertainment. ;; Freedom from anything that pains or troubles; as: (a) Relief from labor or effort; rest; quiet; relaxation; as, ease of body. ;; Freedom from care, solicitude, or anything that annoys or disquiets; tranquillity; peace; comfort; security; as, ease of mind. ;; Freedom from constraint, formality, difficulty, embarrassment, etc.; facility; liberty; naturalness; -- said of manner, style, etc.; as, ease of style, of behavior, of address. ;; To free from anything that pains, disquiets, or oppresses; to relieve from toil or care; to give rest, repose, or tranquility to; -- often with of; as, to ease of pain; ease the body or mind. ;; To render less painful or oppressive; to mitigate; to alleviate. ;; To release from pressure or restraint; to move gently; to lift slightly; to shift a little; as, to ease a bar or nut in machinery. ;; To entertain; to furnish with accommodations.
Eased : of Ease
Easeful : Full of ease; suitable for affording ease or rest; quiet; comfortable; restful.
Easel : A frame (commonly) of wood serving to hold a canvas upright, or nearly upright, for the painter's convenience or for exhibition.
Easeless : Without ease.
Easement : That which gives ease, relief, or assistance; convenience; accommodation. ;; A liberty, privilege, or advantage, which one proprietor has in the estate of another proprietor, distinct from the ownership of the soil, as a way, water course, etc. It is a species of what the civil law calls servitude. ;; A curved member instead of an abrupt change of direction, as in a baseboard, hand rail, etc.
Easily : With ease; without difficulty or much effort; as, this task may be easily performed; that event might have been easily foreseen. ;; Without pain, anxiety, or disturbance; as, to pass life well and easily. ;; Readily; without reluctance; willingly. ;; Smoothly; quietly; gently; gracefully; without /umult or discord. ;; Without shaking or jolting; commodiously; as, a carriage moves easily.
Easiness : The state or condition of being easy; freedom from distress; rest. ;; Freedom from difficulty; ease; as the easiness of a task. ;; Freedom from emotion; compliance; disposition to yield without opposition; unconcernedness. ;; Freedom from effort, constraint, or formality; -- said of style, manner, etc. ;; Freedom from jolting, jerking, or straining.
Next : Easing, East, East Indian, Easter, Easter lily, Easterling, Easterly, Eastern, Eastern Church, Easternmost
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