Vocabulary : Etymon to Eucharist

Etymon : An original form; primitive word; root. ;; Original or fundamental signification.
Etymons : of Etymon
Etypical : Diverging from, or lacking conformity to, a type.
Eu : A prefix used frequently in composition, signifying well, good, advantageous; -- the opposite of dys-.
Eucairite : A metallic mineral, a selenide of copper and silver; -- so called by Berzelius on account of its being found soon after the discovery of the metal selenium.
Eucalyn : An unfermentable sugar, obtained as an uncrystallizable sirup by the decomposition of melitose; also obtained from a Tasmanian eucalyptus, -- whence its name.
Eucalyptol : A volatile, terpenelike oil extracted from the eucalyptus, and consisting largely of cymene.
Eucalyptus : A myrtaceous genus of trees, mostly Australian. Many of them grow to an immense height, one or two species exceeding the height even of the California Sequoia.
Eucharis : A genus of South American amaryllidaceous plants with large and beautiful white blossoms.
Eucharist : The act of giving thanks; thanksgiving. ;; The sacrament of the Lord's Supper; the solemn act of ceremony of commemorating the death of Christ, in the use of bread and wine, as the appointed emblems; the communion.
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