Vocabulary : Eucharistic to Euchroic

Eucharistic : Alt. of Eucharistical
Eucharistical : Giving thanks; expressing thankfulness; rejoicing. ;; Pertaining to the Lord's Supper.
Euchite : One who resolves religion into prayer.
Euchloric : Relating to, or consisting of, euchlorine; as, euchloric /.
Euchlorine : A yellow or greenish yellow gas, first prepared by Davy, evolved from potassium chlorate and hydrochloric acid. It is supposed to consist of chlorine tetroxide with some free chlorine.
Euchologion : Alt. of Euchology
Euchologue : Euchology.
Euchology : A formulary of prayers; the book of offices in the Greek Church, containing the liturgy, sacraments, and forms of prayers.
Euchre : A game at cards, that may be played by two, three, or four persons, the highest card (except when an extra card called the Joker is used) being the knave of the same suit as the trump, and called right bower, the lowest card used being the seven, or frequently, in two-handed euchre, the nine spot. See Bower. ;; To defeat, in a game of euchre, the side that named the trump. ;; To defeat or foil thoroughly in any scheme.
Euchroic : Having a fine color.
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