Vocabulary : Giantly to Gibbed

Giantly : Appropriate to a giant.
Giantry : The race of giants.
Giantship : The state, personality, or character, of a giant; -- a compellation for a giant.
Giaour : An infidel; -- a term applied by Turks to disbelievers in the Mohammedan religion, especially Christrians.
Gib : A male cat; a tomcat. ;; To act like a cat. ;; A piece or slip of metal or wood, notched or otherwise, in a machine or structure, to hold other parts in place or bind them together, or to afford a bearing surface; -- usually held or adjusted by means of a wedge, key, or screw. ;; To secure or fasten with a gib, or gibs; to provide with a gib, or gibs. ;; To balk. See Jib, v. i.
Gib boom : See Jib boom.
Gibaro : The offspring of a Spaniard and an Indian; a Spanish-Indian mestizo.
Gibaros : of Gibaro
Gibbartas : One of several finback whales of the North Atlantic; -- called also Jupiter whale.
Gibbed : of Gib
Next : Gibber, Gibbered, Gibbering, Gibberish, Gibbet, Gibbeted, Gibbeting, Gibbier, Gibbing, Gibbon
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