Vocabulary : Gibber to Gibbon

Gibber : A balky horse. ;; To speak rapidly and inarticulately.
Gibbered : of Gibber
Gibbering : of Gibber
Gibberish : Rapid and inarticulate talk; unintelligible language; unmeaning words; jargon. ;; Unmeaning; as, gibberish language.
Gibbet : A kind of gallows; an upright post with an arm projecting from the top, on which, formerly, malefactors were hanged in chains, and their bodies allowed to remain asa warning. ;; The projecting arm of a crane, from which the load is suspended; the jib. ;; To hang and expose on a gibbet. ;; To expose to infamy; to blacken.
Gibbeted : of Gibbet
Gibbeting : of Gibbet
Gibbier : Wild fowl; game.
Gibbing : of Gib
Gibbon : Any arboreal ape of the genus Hylobates, of which many species and varieties inhabit the East Indies and Southern Asia. They are tailless and without cheek pouches, and have very long arms, adapted for climbing.
Next : Gibbose, Gibbostity, Gibbous, Gibbsite, Gib-cat, Gibe, Gibed, Gibel, Giber, Gibfish
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