Vocabulary : Globuliferous to Glockenspiel

Globuliferous : Bearing globules; in geology, used of rocks, and denoting a variety of concretionary structure, where the concretions are isolated globules and evenly distributed through the texture of the rock.
Globulimeter : An instrument for measuring the number of red blood corpuscles in the blood.
Globulin : An albuminous body, insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute solutions of salt. It is present in the red blood corpuscles united with haematin to form haemoglobin. It is also found in the crystalline lens of the eye, and in blood serum, and is sometimes called crystallin. In the plural the word is applied to a group of proteid substances such as vitellin, myosin, fibrinogen, etc., all insoluble in water, but soluble in dilute salt solutions.
Globulite : A rudimentary form of crystallite, spherical in shape.
Globulous : Globular; spherical; orbicular.
Globy : Resembling, or pertaining to, a globe; round; orbicular.
Glochidia : of Glochidium
Glochidiate : Having barbs; as, glochidiate bristles.
Glochidium : The larva or young of the mussel, formerly thought to be a parasite upon the parent's gills.
Glockenspiel : An instrument, originally a series of bells on an iron rod, now a set of flat metal bars, diatonically tuned, giving a bell-like tone when played with a mallet; a carillon.
Next : Glode, Glombe, Glome, Glomerate, Glomerated, Glomerating, Glomeration, Glomerous, Glomerule, Glomeruli
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