Vocabulary : Glode to Glomeruli

Glode : imp. of Glide.
Glombe : Alt. of Glome
Glome : To gloom; to look gloomy, morose, or sullen. ;; Gloom. ;; One of the two prominences at the posterior extremity of the frog of the horse's foot.
Glomerate : Gathered together in a roundish mass or dense cluster; conglomerate. ;; To gather or wind into a ball; to collect into a spherical form or mass, as threads.
Glomerated : of Glomerate
Glomerating : of Glomerate
Glomeration : The act of forming or gathering into a ball or round mass; the state of being gathered into a ball; conglomeration. ;; That which is formed into a ball; a ball.
Glomerous : Gathered or formed into a ball or round mass.
Glomerule : A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood. ;; A glomerulus.
Glomeruli : of Glomerulus
Next : Glomerulus, Glomuliferous, Glonoin, Glonoine, Gloom, Gloomed, Gloomily, Gloominess, Glooming, Gloomth
Previous : Globuliferous, Globulimeter, Globulin, Globulite, Globulous, Globy, Glochidia, Glochidiate, Glochidium, Glockenspiel
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