Vocabulary : Malassimilation to Malbrouck

Malassimilation : Imperfect digestion of the several leading constituents of the food. ;; An imperfect elaboration by the tissues of the materials brought to them by the blood.
Malate : A salt of malic acid.
Malax : Alt. of Malaxate
Malaxate : To soften by kneading or stirring with some thinner substance.
Malaxation : The act of softening by mixing with a thinner substance; the formation of ingredients into a mass for pills or plasters.
Malaxator : One who, or that which, malaxates; esp., a machine for grinding, kneading, or stirring into a pasty or doughy mass.
Malay : One of a race of a brown or copper complexion in the Malay Peninsula and the western islands of the Indian Archipelago. ;; Alt. of Malayan
Malayalam : The name given to one the cultivated Dravidian languages, closely related to the Tamil.
Malayan : Of or pertaining to the Malays or their country. ;; The Malay language.
Malbrouck : A West African arboreal monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus).
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