Vocabulary : Malconformation to Malecontent

Malconformation : Imperfect, disproportionate, or abnormal formation; ill form; disproportion of parts.
Malcontent : discontented; uneasy; dissatisfied; especially, dissatisfied with the government. ;; One who discontented; especially, a discontented subject of a government; one who express his discontent by words or overt acts.
Malcontented : Malcontent.
Maldanian : Any species of marine annelids of the genus Maldane, or family Maldanidae. They have a slender, round body, and make tubes in the sand or mud.
Male : Evil; wicked; bad. ;; Same as Mail, a bag. ;; Of or pertaining to the sex that begets or procreates young, or (in a wider sense) to the sex that produces spermatozoa, by which the ova are fertilized; not female; as, male organs. ;; Capable of producing fertilization, but not of bearing fruit; -- said of stamens and antheridia, and of the plants, or parts of plants, which bear them. ;; Suitable to the male sex; characteristic or suggestive of a male; masculine; as, male courage. ;; Consisting of males; as, a male choir. ;; Adapted for entering another corresponding piece (the female piece) which is hollow and which it fits; as, a male gauge, for gauging the size or shape of a hole; a male screw, etc. ;; An animal of the male sex. ;; A plant bearing only staminate flowers.
Male- : See Mal-.
Maleate : A salt of maleic acid.
Malebranchism : The philosophical system of Malebranche, an eminent French metaphysician. The fundamental doctrine of his system is that the mind can not have knowledge of anything external to itself except in its relation to God.
Maleconformation : Malconformation.
Malecontent : Malcontent.
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