Vocabulary : Misyoke to Mithras

Misyoke : To yoke improperly.
Miszealous : Mistakenly zealous.
Mite : A minute arachnid, of the order Acarina, of which there are many species; as, the cheese mite, sugar mite, harvest mite, etc. See Acarina. ;; A small coin formerly circulated in England, rated at about a third of a farthing. The name is also applied to a small coin used in Palestine in the time of Christ. ;; A small weight; one twentieth of a grain. ;; Anything very small; a minute object; a very little quantity or particle.
Miter : Alt. of Mitre ;; Alt. of Mitre ;; Alt. of Mitre
Mitered : of Mitre
Mitering : of Mitre
Miterwort : Any plant of the genus Mitella, -- slender, perennial herbs with a pod slightly resembling a bishop's miter; bishop's cap.
Mithgarthr : The middle space or region between heaven and hell, the abode of human beings; the earth.
Mithic : See Mythic.
Mithras : The sun god of the Persians.
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