Vocabulary : Mithridate to Mitigator

Mithridate : An antidote against poison, or a composition in form of an electuary, supposed to serve either as a remedy or a preservative against poison; an alexipharmic; -- so called from King Mithridates, its reputed inventor.
Mithridatic : Of or pertaining to King Mithridates, or to a mithridate.
Mitigable : Admitting of mitigation; that may be mitigated.
Mitigant : Tending to mitigate; mitigating; lentitive.
Mitigate : To make less severe, intense, harsh, rigorous, painful, etc.; to soften; to meliorate; to alleviate; to diminish; to lessen; as, to mitigate heat or cold; to mitigate grief. ;; To make mild and accessible; to mollify; -- applied to persons.
Mitigated : of Mitigate
Mitigating : of Mitigate
Mitigation : The act of mitigating, or the state of being mitigated; abatement or diminution of anything painful, harsh, severe, afflictive, or calamitous; as, the mitigation of pain, grief, rigor, severity, punishment, or penalty.
Mitigative : Tending to mitigate; alleviating.
Mitigator : One who, or that which, mitigates.
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