Vocabulary : Moolah to Mooned

Moolah : Alt. of Moollah
Moollah : See Mollah.
Moolley : Same as Mulley. ;; A mulley or polled animal. ;; A cow. ;; Destitute of horns, although belonging to a species of animals most of which have horns; hornless; polled; as, mulley cattle; a mulley (or moolley) cow.
Moon : The celestial orb which revolves round the earth; the satellite of the earth; a secondary planet, whose light, borrowed from the sun, is reflected to the earth, and serves to dispel the darkness of night. The diameter of the moon is 2,160 miles, its mean distance from the earth is 240,000 miles, and its mass is one eightieth that of the earth. See Lunar month, under Month. ;; A secondary planet, or satellite, revolving about any member of the solar system; as, the moons of Jupiter or Saturn. ;; The time occupied by the moon in making one revolution in her orbit; a month. ;; A crescentlike outwork. See Half-moon. ;; To expose to the rays of the moon. ;; To act if moonstruck; to wander or gaze about in an abstracted manner.
Moonbeam : A ray of light from the moon.
Moonblind : Dim-sighted; purblind.
Moonblink : A temporary blindness, or impairment of sight, said to be caused by sleeping in the moonlight; -- sometimes called nyctalopia.
Mooncalf : A monster; a false conception; a mass of fleshy matter, generated in the uterus. ;; A dolt; a stupid fellow.
Moon-culminating : Culminating, or coming to the meredian, at or about the same time with the moon; -- said of a star or stars, esp. of certain stars selected beforehand, and named in an ephemeris (as the Nautical Almanac), as suitable to be observed in connection with the moon at culmination, for determining terrestrial longitude.
Mooned : of Moon ;; Of or resembling the moon; symbolized by the moon.
Next : Mooner, Moonery, Moonet, Moon-eye, Moon-eyed, Moon-faced, Moonfish, Moonflower, Moong, Moonglade
Previous : Mood, Mooder, Moodily, Moodiness, Moodir, Moodish, Moodishly, Moody, Mooed, Mooing
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