Vocabulary : Mooner to Moonglade

Mooner : One who abstractedly wanders or gazes about, as if moonstruck.
Moonery : Conduct of one who moons.
Moonet : A little moon.
Moon-eye : A eye affected by the moon; also, a disease in the eye of a horse. ;; Any species of American fresh-water fishes of the genus Hyodon, esp. H. tergisus of the Great Lakes and adjacent waters. ;; The cisco.
Moon-eyed : Having eyes affected by the moon; moonblind; dim-eyed; purblind.
Moon-faced : Having a round, full face.
Moonfish : An American marine fish (Vomer setipennis); -- called also bluntnosed shiner, horsefish, and sunfish. ;; A broad, thin, silvery marine fish (Selene vomer); -- called also lookdown, and silver moonfish. ;; The mola. See Sunfish, 1.
Moonflower : The oxeye daisy; -- called also moon daisy. ;; A kind of morning glory (Ipomoea Bona-nox) with large white flowers opening at night.
Moong : Same as Mung.
Moonglade : The bright reflection of the moon's light on an expanse of water.
Next : Moonie, Mooning, Moonish, Moonless, Moonlight, Moonlighter, Moonling, Moonlit, Moonraker, Moonrise
Previous : Moolah, Moollah, Moolley, Moon, Moonbeam, Moonblind, Moonblink, Mooncalf, Moon-culminating, Mooned
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