Vocabulary : Mutanda to Mutessarifat

Mutanda : of Mutandum
Mutandum : A thing which is to be changed; something which must be altered; -- used chiefly in the plural.
Mutation : Change; alteration, either in form or qualities. ;; Gradual definitely tending variation, such as may be observed in a group of organisms in the fossils of successive geological levels. ;; As now employed (first by de Vries), a sudden variation (the offspring differing from its parents in some well-marked character or characters) as distinguished from a gradual variations in which the new characters become fully developed only in the course of many generations. The occurrence of mutations, and the hereditary transmission, under some conditions, of the characters so appearing, are well-established facts; whether the process has played an important part in the evolution of the existing species and other groups of organisms is a disputed question. ;; The result of the above process; a suddenly produced variation.
Mutch : The close linen or muslin cap of an old woman.
Mute : To cast off; to molt. ;; To eject the contents of the bowels; -- said of birds. ;; The dung of birds. ;; Not speaking; uttering no sound; silent. ;; Incapable of speaking; dumb. ;; Not uttered; unpronounced; silent; also, produced by complete closure of the mouth organs which interrupt the passage of breath; -- said of certain letters. See 5th Mute, 2. ;; Not giving a ringing sound when struck; -- said of a metal. ;; One who does not speak, whether from physical inability, unwillingness, or other cause. ;; One who, from deafness, either congenital or from early life, is unable to use articulate language; a deaf-mute. ;; A person employed by undertakers at a funeral. ;; A person whose part in a play does not require him to speak. ;; Among the Turks, an officer or attendant who is selected for his place because he can not speak. ;; A letter which represents no sound; a silent letter; also, a close articulation; an element of speech formed by a position of the mouth organs which stops the passage of the breath;
Mute-hill : See Moot-hill.
Mutely : Without uttering words or sounds; in a mute manner; silently.
Muteness : The quality or state of being mute; speechlessness.
Mutessarif : In Turkey, an administrative authority of any of certain sanjaks. They are appointed directly by the Sultan.
Mutessarifat : In Turkey, a sanjak whose head is a mutessarif.
Next : Mutic, Muticous, Mutilate, Mutilated, Mutilating, Mutilation, Mutilator, Mutilous, Mutine, Mutineer
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