Vocabulary : Mutic to Mutineer

Mutic : Alt. of Muticous
Muticous : Without a point or pointed process; blunt.
Mutilate : Deprived of, or having lost, an important part; mutilated. ;; Having finlike appendages or flukes instead of legs, as a cetacean. ;; A cetacean, or a sirenian. ;; To cut off or remove a limb or essential part of; to maim; to cripple; to hack; as, to mutilate the body, a statue, etc. ;; To destroy or remove a material part of, so as to render imperfect; as, to mutilate the orations of Cicero.
Mutilated : of Mutilate
Mutilating : of Mutilate
Mutilation : The act of mutilating, or the state of being mutilated; deprivation of a limb or of an essential part.
Mutilator : One who mutilates.
Mutilous : Mutilated; defective; imperfect.
Mutine : A mutineer. ;; To mutiny.
Mutineer : One guilty of mutiny.
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