Vocabulary : Quinovin to Quinqueangled

Quinovin : An amorphous bitter glucoside derived from cinchona and other barks. Called also quinova bitter, and quinova.
Quinoxaline : Any one of a series of complex nitrogenous bases obtained by the union of certain aniline derivatives with glyoxal or with certain ketones.
Quinoxyl : The hypothetical radical of certain quinone derivatives related to rhodizonic acid.
Quinoyl : A radical of which quinone is the hydride, analogous to phenyl.
Quinquagesima : Fiftieth.
Quinquangular : Having five angles or corners.
Quinquarticular : Relating to the five articles or points; as, the quinquarticular controversy between Arminians and Calvinists.
Quinque- : A combining form meaning five, five times, fivefold; as, quinquefid, five-cleft; quinquedentate, five-toothed.
Quinque foliolate : Having five leaflets.
Quinqueangled : Having five angles; quinquangular.
Next : Quinquedentate, Quinquedentated, Quinquefarious, Quinquefid, Quinquefoliate, Quinquefoliated, Quinqueliteral, Quinquelobared, Quinquelobate, Quinquelobed
Previous : Quinizine, Quinnat, Quinoa, Quinogen, Quinoidine, Quinoline, Quinologist, Quinology, Quinone, Quinovic
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