Vocabulary : Quinquedentate to Quinquelobed

Quinquedentate : Alt. of Quinquedentated
Quinquedentated : Five-toothed; as, a quinquedentate leaf.
Quinquefarious : Arranged in five vertical rows; pentastichous.
Quinquefid : Sharply cut about halfway to the middle or base into five segments; as, a quinquefid leaf or corolla.
Quinquefoliate : Alt. of Quinquefoliated
Quinquefoliated : Having five leaves or leaflets.
Quinqueliteral : Consisting of five letters.
Quinquelobared : Cut less than halfway into portions, usually somewhat rounded; five-lobed; as, a quinquelobate leaf or corolla.
Quinquelobate : Alt. of Quinquelobared
Quinquelobed : Same as Quinquelobate.
Next : Quinquelocular, Quinquenerved, Quinquennalia, Quinquennial, Quinquennium, Quinquepartite, Quinquereme, Quinquesyllable, Quinquevalve, Quinquevalvular
Previous : Quinovin, Quinoxaline, Quinoxyl, Quinoyl, Quinquagesima, Quinquangular, Quinquarticular, Quinque-, Quinque foliolate, Quinqueangled
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