Vocabulary : Quinquelocular to Quinquevalvular

Quinquelocular : Having five cells or loculi; five-celled; as, a quinquelocular pericarp.
Quinquenerved : Having five nerves; -- said of a leaf with five nearly equal nerves or ribs rising from the end of the petiole.
Quinquennalia : Public games celebrated every five years.
Quinquennial : Occurring once in five years, or at the end of every five years; also, lasting five years. A quinquennial event.
Quinquennium : Space of five years.
Quinquepartite : Consisting of five parts. ;; Divided into five parts almost to the base.
Quinquereme : A galley having five benches or banks of oars; as, an Athenian quinquereme.
Quinquesyllable : A word of five syllables.
Quinquevalve : Alt. of Quinquevalvular
Quinquevalvular : Having five valves, as a pericarp.
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