Vocabulary : Ravage to Raveler

Ravage : Desolation by violence; violent ruin or destruction; devastation; havoc; waste; as, the ravage of a lion; the ravages of fire or tempest; the ravages of an army, or of time. ;; To lay waste by force; to desolate by violence; to commit havoc or devastation upon; to spoil; to plunder; to consume.
Ravaged : of Ravage
Ravager : One who, or that which, ravages or lays waste; spoiler.
Ravaging : of Ravage
Rave : imp. of Rive. ;; One of the upper side pieces of the frame of a wagon body or a sleigh. ;; To wander in mind or intellect; to be delirious; to talk or act irrationally; to be wild, furious, or raging, as a madman. ;; To rush wildly or furiously. ;; To talk with unreasonable enthusiasm or excessive passion or excitement; -- followed by about, of, or on; as, he raved about her beauty. ;; To utter in madness or frenzy; to say wildly; as, to rave nonsense.
Raved : of Rave
Ravehook : A tool, hooked at the end, for enlarging or clearing seams for the reception of oakum.
Ravel : To separate or undo the texture of; to take apart; to untwist; to unweave or unknit; -- often followed by out; as, to ravel a twist; to ravel out a stocking. ;; To undo the intricacies of; to disentangle. ;; To pull apart, as the threads of a texture, and let them fall into a tangled mass; hence, to entangle; to make intricate; to involve. ;; To become untwisted or unwoven; to be disentangled; to be relieved of intricacy. ;; To fall into perplexity and confusion. ;; To make investigation or search, as by picking out the threads of a woven pattern.
Raveled : of Ravel
Raveler : One who ravels.
Next : Ravelin, Raveling, Ravelled, Ravelling, Raven, Ravenala, Ravened, Ravener, Ravening, Ravenous
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