Vocabulary : Recursion to Recusancy

Recursion : The act of recurring; return.
Recurvate : Recurved. ;; To bend or curve back; to recurve.
Recurvation : The act of recurving, or the state of being recurved; a bending or flexure backward.
Recurve : To curve in an opposite or unusual direction; to bend back or down.
Recurved : Curved in an opposite or uncommon direction; bent back; as, a bird with a recurved bill; flowers with recurved petals.
Recurviroster : A bird whose beak bends upward, as the avocet.
Recurvirostral : Having the beak bent upwards.
Recurvity : Recurvation.
Recurvous : Recurved.
Recusancy : The state of being recusant; nonconformity.
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