Vocabulary : Refine to Refix

Refine : To reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state; to free from impurities; to free from dross or alloy; to separate from extraneous matter; to purify; to defecate; as, to refine gold or silver; to refine iron; to refine wine or sugar. ;; To purify from what is gross, coarse, vulgar, inelegant, low, and the like; to make elegant or exellent; to polish; as, to refine the manners, the language, the style, the taste, the intellect, or the moral feelings. ;; To become pure; to be cleared of feculent matter. ;; To improve in accuracy, delicacy, or excellence. ;; To affect nicety or subtilty in thought or language.
Refined : of Refine ;; Freed from impurities or alloy; purifed; polished; cultured; delicate; as; refined gold; refined language; refined sentiments.
Refinement : The act of refining, or the state of being refined; as, the refinement or metals; refinement of ideas. ;; That which is refined, elaborated, or polished to excess; an affected subtilty; as, refinements of logic.
Refiner : One who, or that which, refines.
Refineries : of Refinery
Refinery : The building and apparatus for refining or purifying, esp. metals and sugar. ;; A furnace in which cast iron is refined by the action of a blast on the molten metal.
Refining : of Refine
Refit : To fit or prepare for use again; to repair; to restore after damage or decay; as, to refit a garment; to refit ships of war. ;; To fit out or supply a second time. ;; To obtain repairs or supplies; as, the fleet returned to refit.
Refitment : The act of refitting, or the state of being refitted.
Refix : To fix again or anew; to establish anew.
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