Vocabulary : Resection to Resemblant

Resection : The act of cutting or paring off. ;; The removal of the articular extremity of a bone, or of the ends of the bones in a false articulation.
Reseda : A genus of plants, the type of which is mignonette. ;; A grayish green color, like that of the flowers of mignonette.
Reseek : To seek again.
Reseize : To seize again, or a second time. ;; To put in possession again; to reinstate. ;; To take possession of, as lands and tenements which have been disseized.
Reseizer : One who seizes again. ;; The taking of lands into the hands of the king where a general livery, or oustre le main, was formerly mis-sued, contrary to the form and order of law.
Reseizure : A second seizure; the act of seizing again.
Resell : To sell again; to sell what has been bought or sold; to retail.
Resemblable : Admitting of being compared; like.
Resemblance : The quality or state of resembling; likeness; similitude; similarity. ;; That which resembles, or is similar; a representation; a likeness. ;; A comparison; a simile. ;; Probability; verisimilitude.
Resemblant : Having or exhibiting resemblance; resembling.
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