Vocabulary : Re-sign to Resiled

Re-sign : To affix one's signature to, a second time; to sign again.
Resignation : The act of resigning or giving up, as a claim, possession, office, or the like; surrender; as, the resignation of a crown or comission. ;; The state of being resigned or submissive; quiet or patient submission; unresisting acquiescence; as, resignation to the will and providence of God.
Resigned : of Resign ;; Submissive; yielding; not disposed to resist or murmur.
Resignedly : With submission.
Resignee : One to whom anything is resigned, or in whose favor a resignation is made.
Resigner : One who resigns.
Resigning : of Resign
Resignment : The act of resigning.
Resile : To start back; to recoil; to recede from a purpose.
Resiled : of Resile
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