Vocabulary : Resorted to Resourceful

Resorted : of Resort
Resorter : One who resorts; a frequenter.
Resorting : of Resort
Resoun : Reason. ;; To resound.
Resound : To sound loudly; as, his voice resounded far. ;; To be filled with sound; to ring; as, the woods resound with song. ;; To be echoed; to be sent back, as sound. ;; To be mentioned much and loudly. ;; To echo or reverberate; to be resonant; as, the earth resounded with his praise. ;; To throw back, or return, the sound of; to echo; to reverberate. ;; To praise or celebrate with the voice, or the sound of instruments; to extol with sounds; to spread the fame of. ;; Return of sound; echo.
Re-sound : To sound again or anew.
Resounded : of Resound
Resounding : of Resound
Resource : That to which one resorts orr on which one depends for supply or support; means of overcoming a difficulty; resort; expedient. ;; Pecuniary means; funds; money, or any property that can be converted into supplies; available means or capabilities of any kind.
Resourceful : Full of resources.
Next : Resourceless, Resow, Resown, Respeak, Respect, Respectability, Respectable, Respectant, Respected, Respecter
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