Vocabulary : Restful to Restinguish

Restful : Being at rest; quiet. ;; Giving rest; freeing from toil, trouble, etc.
Rest-harrow : A European leguminous plant (Ononis arvensis) with long, tough roots.
Restiff : Restive. ;; A restive or stubborn horse.
Restiffness : Restiveness.
Restiform : Formed like a rope; -- applied especially to several ropelike bundles or masses of fibers on the dorsal side of the medulla oblongata.
Restily : In a resty manner.
Restinction : Act of quenching or extingishing.
Restiness : The quality or state of being resty; sluggishness.
Resting : of Rest ;; a. & n. from Rest, v. t. & i.
Restinguish : To quench or extinguish.
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