Vocabulary : Retirement to Retorter

Retirement : The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; withdrawal; seclusion; as, the retirement of an officer. ;; A place of seclusion or privacy; a place to which one withdraws or retreats; a private abode.
Retirer : One who retires.
Retiring : of Retire ;; Reserved; shy; not forward or obtrusive; as, retiring modesty; retiring manners. ;; Of or pertaining to retirement; causing retirement; suited to, or belonging to, retirement.
Retistene : A white crystalline hydrocarbon produced indirectly from retene.
Retitelae : A group of spiders which spin irregular webs; -- called also Retitelariae.
Retold : imp. & p. p. of Retell.
Retorsion : Same as Retortion.
Retort : To bend or curve back; as, a retorted line. ;; To throw back; to reverberate; to reflect. ;; To return, as an argument, accusation, censure, or incivility; as, to retort the charge of vanity. ;; To return an argument or a charge; to make a severe reply. ;; The return of, or reply to, an argument, charge, censure, incivility, taunt, or witticism; a quick and witty or severe response. ;; A vessel in which substances are subjected to distillation or decomposition by heat. It is made of different forms and materials for different uses, as a bulb of glass with a curved beak to enter a receiver for general chemical operations, or a cylinder or semicylinder of cast iron for the manufacture of gas in gas works.
Retorted : of Retort
Retorter : One who retorts.
Next : Retorting, Retortion, Retortive, Retoss, Retouch, Retoucher, Retrace, Retract, Retractable, Retractate
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