Vocabulary : Retroflex to Retrograding

Retroflex : Alt. of Retroflexed
Retroflexed : Reflexed; bent or turned abruptly backward.
Retroflexion : The act of reflexing; the state of being retroflexed. Cf. Retroversion.
Retrofract : Alt. of Retrofracted
Retrofracted : Refracted; as, a retrofract stem.
Retrogenerative : Begetting young by retrocopulation.
Retrogradation : The act of retrograding, or moving backward. ;; The state of being retrograde; decline.
Retrograde : Apparently moving backward, and contrary to the succession of the signs, that is, from east to west, as a planet. ;; Tending or moving backward; having a backward course; contrary; as, a retrograde motion; -- opposed to progressive. ;; Declining from a better to a worse state; as, a retrograde people; retrograde ideas, morals, etc. ;; To go in a retrograde direction; to move, or appear to move, backward, as a planet. ;; Hence, to decline from a better to a worse condition, as in morals or intelligence.
Retrograded : of Retrograde
Retrograding : of Retrograde
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