Vocabulary : Revision to Revivalism

Revision : The act of revising; reexamination for correction; review; as, the revision of a book or writing, or of a proof sheet; a revision of statutes. ;; That which is made by revising.
Revisional : Alt. of Revisionary
Revisionary : Of or pertaining to revision; revisory.
Revisit : To visit again. ;; To revise.
Revisitation : The act of revisiting.
Revisory : Having the power or purpose to revise; revising.
Revitalize : To restore vitality to; to bring back to life.
Revivable : That may be revived.
Revival : The act of reviving, or the state of being revived. ;; Renewed attention to something, as to letters or literature. ;; Renewed performance of, or interest in, something, as the drama and literature. ;; Renewed interest in religion, after indifference and decline; a period of religious awakening; special religious interest. ;; Reanimation from a state of langour or depression; -- applied to the health, spirits, and the like. ;; Renewed pursuit, or cultivation, or flourishing state of something, as of commerce, arts, agriculture. ;; Renewed prevalence of something, as a practice or a fashion. ;; Restoration of force, validity, or effect; renewal; as, the revival of a debt barred by limitation; the revival of a revoked will, etc. ;; Revivification, as of a metal. See Revivification, 2.
Revivalism : The spirit of religious revivals; the methods of revivalists.
Next : Revivalist, Revivalistic, Revive, Revived, Revivement, Reviver, Revivificate, Revivification, Revivify, Reviving
Previous : Reviling, Revince, Revindicate, Revirescence, Revisable, Revisal, Revise, Revised, Reviser, Revising
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