Vocabulary : Righten to Right-hand

Righten : To do justice to.
Righteous : Doing, or according with, that which is right; yielding to all their due; just; equitable; especially, free from wrong, guilt, or sin; holy; as, a righteous man or act; a righteous retribution.
Righteoused : Made righteous.
Righteously : In a righteous manner; as, to judge righteously.
Righteousness : The quality or state of being righteous; holiness; purity; uprightness; rectitude. ;; A righteous act, or righteous quality. ;; The act or conduct of one who is righteous. ;; The state of being right with God; justification; the work of Christ, which is the ground of justification.
Righter : One who sets right; one who does justice or redresses wrong.
Rightful : Righteous; upright; just; good; -- said of persons. ;; Consonant to justice; just; as, a rightful cause. ;; Having the right or just claim according to established laws; being or holding by right; as, the rightful heir to a throne or an estate; a rightful king. ;; Belonging, held, or possessed by right, or by just claim; as, a rightful inheritance; rightful authority.
Rightfully : According to right or justice.
Rightfulness : The quality or state of being rightful; accordance with right and justice. ;; Moral rectitude; righteousness.
Right-hand : Situated or being on the right; nearer the right hand than the left; as, the right-hand side, room, or road. ;; Chiefly relied on; almost indispensable.
Next : Right-handed, Right-handedness, Right-hearted, Righting, Rightless, Right-lined, Rightly, Right-minded, Rightness, Right-running
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