Vocabulary : Ritualism to Rivality

Ritualism : A system founded upon a ritual or prescribed form of religious worship; adherence to, or observance of, a ritual. ;; Specifically :(a) The principles and practices of those in the Church of England, who in the development of the Oxford movement, so-called, have insisted upon a return to the use in church services of the symbolic ornaments (altar cloths, encharistic vestments, candles, etc.) that were sanctioned in the second year of Edward VI., and never, as they maintain, forbidden by competennt authority, although generally disused. Schaff-Herzog Encyc. (b) Also, the principles and practices of those in the Protestant Episcopal Church who sympathize with this party in the Church of England.
Ritualist : One skilled un, or attached to, a ritual; one who advocates or practices ritualism.
Ritualistic : Pertaining to, or in accordance with, a ritual; adhering to ritualism.
Ritually : By rites, or by a particular rite.
Rivage : A bank, shore, or coast. ;; A duty paid to the crown for the passage of vessels on certain rivers.
Rival : A person having a common right or privilege with another; a partner. ;; One who is in pursuit of the same object as another; one striving to reach or obtain something which another is attempting to obtain, and which one only can posses; a competitor; as, rivals in love; rivals for a crown. ;; Having the same pretensions or claims; standing in competition for superiority; as, rival lovers; rival claims or pretensions. ;; To stand in competition with; to strive to gain some object in opposition to; as, to rival one in love. ;; To strive to equal or exel; to emulate. ;; To be in rivalry.
Rivaled : of Rival
Rivaless : A female rival.
Rivaling : of Rival
Rivality : Rivalry; competition. ;; Equality, as of right or rank.
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