Vocabulary : Rizzar to Roadster

Rizzar : To dry in the sun; as, rizzared haddock.
Roach : A cockroach. ;; A European fresh-water fish of the Carp family (Leuciscus rutilus). It is silver-white, with a greenish back. ;; An American chub (Semotilus bullaris); the fallfish. ;; The redfin, or shiner. ;; A convex curve or arch cut in the edge of a sail to prevent chafing, or to secure a better fit. ;; To cause to arch. ;; To cut off, as a horse's mane, so that the part left shall stand upright.
Roach-backed : Having a back like that of roach; -- said of a horse whose back a convex instead of a concave curve.
Road : A journey, or stage of a journey. ;; An inroad; an invasion; a raid. ;; A place where one may ride; an open way or public passage for vehicles, persons, and animals; a track for travel, forming a means of communication between one city, town, or place, and another. ;; A place where ships may ride at anchor at some distance from the shore; a roadstead; -- often in the plural; as, Hampton Roads.
Roadbed : In railroads, the bed or foundation on which the superstructure (ties, rails, etc.) rests; in common roads, the whole material laid in place and ready for travel.
Roadless : Destitute of roads.
Roadmaker : One who makes roads.
Roadside : Land adjoining a road or highway; the part of a road or highway that borders the traveled part. Also used ajectively.
Roadstead : An anchorage off shore. Same as Road, 4.
Roadster : A clumsy vessel that works its way from one anchorage to another by means of the tides. ;; A horse that is accustomed to traveling on the high road, or is suitable for use on ordinary roads. ;; A bicycle or tricycle adapted for common roads rather than for the racing track. ;; One who drives much; a coach driver. ;; A hunter who keeps to the roads instead of following the hounds across country.
Next : Roadway, Roam, Roamed, Roamer, Roaming, Roan, Roar, Roared, Roarer, Roaring
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