Vocabulary : Ruptured to Ruralized

Ruptured : of Rupture ;; Having a rupture, or hernia.
Rupturewort : Same as Burstwort. ;; A West Indian plant (Alternanthera polygonoides) somewhat resembling burstwort.
Rupturing : of Rupture
Rural : Of or pertaining to the country, as distinguished from a city or town; living in the country; suitable for, or resembling, the country; rustic; as, rural scenes; a rural prospect. ;; Of or pertaining to agriculture; as, rural economy.
Rurales : The gossamer-winged butterflies; a family of small butterflies, including the hairstreaks, violets, and theclas.
Ruralism : The quality or state of being rural; ruralness. ;; A rural idiom or expression.
Ruralist : One who leads a rural life.
Rurality : The quality or state of being rural. ;; A rural place.
Ruralize : To render rural; to give a rural appearance to. ;; To become rural; to go into the country; to rusticate.
Ruralized : of Ruralize
Next : Ruralizing, Rurally, Ruralness, Ruricolist, Ruridecanal, Rurigenous, Ruse, Rush, Rush-bearing, Rushbuckler
Previous : Rupee, Rupellary, Rupert's drop, Rupia, Rupial, Rupicola, Rupicoline, Ruption, Ruptuary, Rupture
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