Vocabulary : Rusma to Russification

Rusma : A depilatory made of orpiment and quicklime, and used by the Turks. See Rhusma.
Russ : A Russian, or the Russians. ;; The language of the Russians. ;; Of or pertaining to the Russians.
Russet : Of a reddish brown color, or (by some called) a red gray; of the color composed of blue, red, and yellow in equal strength, but unequal proportions, namely, two parts of red to one each of blue and yellow; also, of a yellowish brown color. ;; Coarse; homespun; rustic. ;; A russet color; a pigment of a russet color. ;; Cloth or clothing of a russet color. ;; A country dress; -- so called because often of a russet color. ;; An apple, or a pear, of a russet color; as, the English russet, and the Roxbury russet.
Russeting : See Russet, n., 2 and 4.
Russety : Of a russet color; russet.
Russia : A country of Europe and Asia.
Russian : Of or pertaining to Russia, its inhabitants, or language. ;; A native or inhabitant of Russia; the language of Russia.
Russian Church : The established church of the Russian empire. It forms a portion, by far the largest, of the Eastern Church and is governed by the Holy Synod. The czar is the head of the church, but he has never claimed the right of deciding questions of theology and dogma.
Russianize : To make Russian, or more or less like the Russians; as, to Russianize the Poles.
Russification : The act or process of Russifying, or the state of being Russified.
Next : Russify, Russophile, Russophilist, Russophobe, Russophobia, Russophobist, Rust, Rusted, Rustful, Rustic
Previous : Rushed, Rusher, Rushiness, Rushing, Rushingly, Rushlight, Rushlike, Rushy, Rusine, Rusk
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