Vocabulary : Snake to Snake's-tongue

Snake : Any species of the order Ophidia; an ophidian; a serpent, whether harmless or venomous. See Ophidia, and Serpent. ;; To drag or draw, as a snake from a hole; -- often with out. ;; To wind round spirally, as a large rope with a smaller, or with cord, the small rope lying in the spaces between the strands of the large one; to worm. ;; To crawl like a snake.
Snakebird : Any one of four species of aquatic birds of the genus Anhinga or Plotus. They are allied to the gannets and cormorants, but have very long, slender, flexible necks, and sharp bills. ;; The wryneck.
Snaked : of Snake
Snakefish : The band fish. ;; The lizard fish.
Snakehead : A loose, bent-up end of one of the strap rails, or flat rails, formerly used on American railroads. It was sometimes so bent by the passage of a train as to slip over a wheel and pierce the bottom of a car. ;; The turtlehead. ;; The Guinea-hen flower. See Snake's-head, and under Guinea.
Snakeneck : The snakebird, 1.
Snakeroot : Any one of several plants of different genera and species, most of which are (or were formerly) reputed to be efficacious as remedies for the bites of serpents; also, the roots of any of these.
Snake's-head : The Guinea-hen flower; -- so called in England because its spotted petals resemble the scales of a snake's head.
Snakestone : A kind of hone slate or whetstone obtained in Scotland. ;; An ammonite; -- so called from its form, which resembles that of a coiled snake.
Snake's-tongue : Same as Adder's-tongue.
Next : Snakeweed, Snakewood, Snaking, Snakish, Snaky, Snap, Snap shot, Snapdragon, Snape, Snaphance
Previous : Snaffled, Snaffling, Snag, Snagged, Snagging, Snaggy, Snail, Snailfish, Snail-like, Snail-paced
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