Vocabulary : Snakeweed to Snaphance

Snakeweed : A kind of knotweed (Polygonum Bistorta). ;; The Virginia snakeroot. See Snakeroot.
Snakewood : An East Indian climbing plant (Strychnos colubrina) having a bitter taste, and supposed to be a remedy for the bite of the hooded serpent. ;; An East Indian climbing shrub (Ophioxylon serpentinum) which has the roots and stems twisted so as to resemble serpents. ;; Same as Trumpetwood. ;; A tropical American shrub (Plumieria rubra) which has very fragrant red blossoms. ;; Same as Letterwood.
Snaking : of Snake
Snakish : Having the qualities or characteristics of a snake; snaky.
Snaky : Of or pertaining to a snake or snakes; resembling a snake; serpentine; winding. ;; Sly; cunning; insinuating; deceitful. ;; Covered with serpents; having serpents; as, a snaky rod or wand.
Snap : To catch out sharply (a batsman who has just snicked a bowled ball). ;; Of the eyes, to emit sudden, brief sparkles like those of a snapping fire, as sometimes in anger. ;; Any task, labor, set of circumstances, or the like, that yields satisfactory results or gives pleasure with little trouble or effort, as an easy course of study, a job where work is light, a bargain, etc. ;; A snap shot with a firearm. ;; A snapshot. ;; Something of no value; as, not worth a snap. ;; Done, performed, made, executed, carried through, or the like, quickly and without deliberation; as, a snap judgment or decision; a snap political convention. ;; To break at once; to break short, as substances that are brittle. ;; To strike, to hit, or to shut, with a sharp sound. ;; To bite or seize suddenly, especially with the teeth. ;; To break upon suddenly with sharp, angry words; to treat snappishly; -- usually with up. ;; To crack; to cause to make a sharp, cracking noise; as, to snap a whip. ;; To project with a snap. ;; To break shor
Snap shot : A quick offhand shot, made without deliberately taking aim over the sights. ;; Act of taking a snapshot (in sense 2). ;; An instantaneous photograph made, usually with a hand camera, without formal posing of, and often without the foreknowledge of, the subject.
Snapdragon : Any plant of the scrrophulariaceous genus Antirrhinum, especially the cultivated A. majus, whose showy flowers are fancifully likened to the face of a dragon. ;; A West Indian herb (Ruellia tuberosa) with curiously shaped blue flowers. ;; A play in which raisins are snatched from a vessel containing burning brandy, and eaten; also, that which is so eaten. See Flapdragon.
Snape : To bevel the end of a timber to fit against an inclined surface.
Snaphance : A spring lock for discharging a firearm; also, the firearm to which it is attached. ;; A trifling or second-rate thing or person.
Next : Snaphead, Snapped, Snapper, Snapping, Snappish, Snappy, Snapsack, Snapweed, Snar, Snare
Previous : Snake, Snakebird, Snaked, Snakefish, Snakehead, Snakeneck, Snakeroot, Snake's-head, Snakestone, Snake's-tongue
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