Vocabulary : Viewing to Vigil

Viewing : of View
Viewless : Not perceivable by the eye; invisible; unseen.
Viewly : Alt. of Viewsome
Viewsome : Pleasing to the sight; sightly.
Viewy : Having peculiar views; fanciful; visionary; unpractical; as, a viewy person. ;; Spectacular; pleasing to the eye or the imagination.
Vifda : In the Orkney and Shetland Islands, beef and mutton hung and dried, but not salted.
Vigesimal : Twentieth; divided into, or consisting of, twenties or twenty parts.
Vigesimation : The act of putting to death every twentieth man.
Vigesimo-quarto : Having twenty-four leaves to a sheet; as, a vigesimo-quarto form, book, leaf, size, etc. ;; A book composed of sheets each of which is folded into twenty-four leaves; hence, indicating more or less definitely a size of book so made; -- usually written 24mo, or 24.
Vigil : Abstinence from sleep, whether at a time when sleep is customary or not; the act of keeping awake, or the state of being awake, or the state of being awake; sleeplessness; wakefulness; watch. ;; Hence, devotional watching; waking for prayer, or other religious exercises. ;; Originally, the watch kept on the night before a feast. ;; Later, the day and the night preceding a feast. ;; A religious service performed in the evening preceding a feast.
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