Vocabulary : Vigilance to Vigor

Vigilance : The quality or state of being vigilant; forbearance of sleep; wakefulness. ;; Watchfulness in respect of danger; care; caution; circumspection. ;; Guard; watch.
Vigilancy : Vigilance.
Vigilant : Attentive to discover and avoid danger, or to provide for safety; wakeful; watchful; circumspect; wary.
Vigilantly : In a vigilant manner.
Vigily : A vigil.
Vigintivirate : The office of the vigintiviri, a body of officers of government consisting of twenty men; also, the vigintiviri.
Vignette : A picture, illustration, or depiction in words, esp. one of a small or dainty kind. ;; A running ornament consisting of leaves and tendrils, used in Gothic architecture. ;; A decorative design, originally representing vine branches or tendrils, at the head of a chapter, of a manuscript or printed book, or in a similar position; hence, by extension, any small picture in a book; hence, also, as such pictures are often without a definite bounding line, any picture, as an engraving, a photograph, or the like, which vanishes gradually at the edge. ;; To make, as an engraving or a photograph, with a border or edge insensibly fading away.
Vignetter : A device used by photographers in printing vignettes, consisting of a screen of paper or glass with a central aperture the edges of which become opaque by intensible gradations. ;; A maker of vignettes.
Vigonia : Of or pertaining to the vicu/a; characterizing the vicu/a; -- said of the wool of that animal, used in felting hats, and for other purposes.
Vigor : Active strength or force of body or mind; capacity for exertion, physically, intellectually, or morally; force; energy. ;; Strength or force in animal or force in animal or vegetable nature or action; as, a plant grows with vigor. ;; Strength; efficacy; potency. ;; To invigorate.
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